Tuesday, May 10, 2011

People who ask for Recipes, or insult other people

Part of the reason I made this blog post is because every time I play on a server, at least ONE person asks what the recipes are, a general tutorial, some form of master to teach them everything, and will frequently beg or spam until that occurs. If not, they try killing everyone using various methods (mostly using a crude club and trying to beat them to death).
Another is because after a few games, one will find people insulting other players, griefing, or trolling simply because they want to, and call others "noobs" if they don't like them or if they resist for some reason.
In short, for those who ask for recipes, read the place description and tutorials, or read a guide (if one has the attention span or is literally clueless) and for those who insult others or simply grief, it's a kid's game.

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